Evangelism and Empowering
Ministers in Africa

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By Grace Through Faith in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:1-10, NKJV). Although Paul pictures the desperate condition of natural man most clearly, he also shows the beauty of salvation as clearly as it can be put in human language. Man was dead by nature and could therefore do nothing to relieve his condition — but God entered into his condition. The mercy of God is revealed.
The Wonder of the Mystery of Christ (Ephesians 3:1-13, ESV). Are you finally ready for the answer to the great wonder and mystery of Christ? Can anyone guess it? What is unknown now known? What is two now one? What is weak yet strong? The Church! God promised the church in the Old Testament and revealed it in the New Testament.
BROUGHT NEAR BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST: (Our text in Ephesians 2:11-22, NKJV) is an extension of Paul’s teaching in the first 10 verses of the chapter. Both passages have a similar structure. Each falls into three divisions. The first division focuses on what we were in the past. The second on what Christ has accomplished.

Dr. Lloyd has devoted most of his adult life to preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and
to meeting the needs of people around Africa. The oldest son of Jeremiah and
Josephine, he is the Founder and President of Greenfield International Foundation
since 2014 and as Founder and Presiding Prelate, Pillars of God International Ministries
since 2001. Under his leadership, GIF has met the needs of some poor, sick, and suffering people in just a few African countries. He is passionate for Christ and wants to evangelize Africa
for Christ. As an apostolic teacher for the Pillars of God International Ministries, he has
organized, coordinated, and led crusades around different parts of Africa.


Thank you so much Bishop Lloyd for the wonderful gift of food to us during the Lockdown in season in Uganda Africa. God bless you and your family for this love

The season of lockdown has been so tough for us, for my family, eating has not been easy for us. Now our My families are happy blessing the name of the Lord for what you have done for us Bishop LLoyd.